

Updated links

Crisis mapping and crowdsourcing in complex emergencies. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. (Ziemke, Jayamaha & Jahn).

Defeating Disaster: Fueled by Open Source Software & Crowdsourcing, The Crisis Mapping Community Is Rapidly Expanding. By Matt Alderton, Trajectory Magazine, 2014(3).

Connecting Grassroots to Gov, (John Crowley; Wilson Center)

Guidance for Collaborating with Formal Humanitarian Organizations

Guidance for Collaborating with VTC's

Tweeting Up a Storm

Introductory Resources:

PBS: Mobile technology helps disaster victims (9 mins)

Patrick@National Geographic (18 mins)

Jen Ziemke: Conflict Mapping

Jaroslav Valuch & Anahi Ayala Iacucci:  Feb 2012 (25 mins)

Patrick Meier: Changing the World

Sanjana Hattotuwa: ICCM 2011 Keynote Address 

Heather Leson: Crowdsourcing for Change

Where 2.0: CrisisMapping the Haiti EQ

Penn State University: GeoSpatial Revolution

Sophia B. Liu: Crisis, Curation & Culture 

Kurt Jean-Charles: ICCM 2010 Keynote Address

Patrick Meier: Where 2.0

Jennifer Leaning: Patterns in Crisis Mapping, Inaugural ICCM Keynote Address

Helena Puig: Best Practices

J. Ziemke: The Construction of a New Interdisciplinary Field? Paper/Course Syllabus 

OGC Podcast


The Crisis Mappers Network

The International Network of Crisis Mappers (Crisis Mappers Net) is an international community of experts, practitioners, policymakers, technologists, researchers, journalists, scholars, hackers and skilled volunteers engaged at the intersection of humanitarian crises, new technology, crowd-sourcing, and crisis mapping. The Crisis Mappers Network was launched at the first International Conference on Crisis Mapping (ICCM) in 2009 at John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio. Since then we convened conferences for the global community in Boston, Geneva, Washington, Nairobi, New York, and Manila, with different hosts in each location, including Harvard, Tufts, the Swiss Confederation, the European Union's Joint Research Centre, the World Bank's GFDRR & World Bank Institute, George Washington University, the United Nations Office at Nairobi, UN-Habitat, Spatial Collective, The Humanitarian Design Lab at Parsons The New School of Design, Google Crisis Response, & Map the Philippines. Our last ICCM took place in 2016.

Crisis Mappers leverage mobile & web-based applications, participatory maps & crowdsourced event data, aerial & satellite imagery, geospatial platforms, advanced visualization, live simulation, and computational & statistical models to power effective early warning for rapid response to complex humanitarian emergencies. As information scientists we also attempt to extract meaning from mass volumes of real-time data exhaust.

This group includes 9,600+ members in over 160 countries, who are affiliated with over 3,000 different institutions, including  more than 400 universities, 50 United Nations agencies & projects, first responders operating in both the civilian and military space, dozens of leading technology companies, several volunteer & technical community networks and global, national, and local humanitarian and disaster response and recovery organizations.

Crisis Mappers Net is not an organization or institution, and deliberately so. All of us connected here have very different goals, aims, strengths, interests, and backgrounds. As a network, we offer a neutral space for conversation and information sharing.  As volunteer administrators, we manage the website & google group to facilitate collaboration. Thus, it is the important work of the members themselves that makes this group what it is.


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The International Network of Crisis Mappers™ was established in 2009 by Jen Ziemke & Patrick Meier.

We hosted a conference series, the International Conference of Crisis Mappers (ICCM)™, until our last event took place in 2016.

We still encourage collaboration via this network &



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Links below have been updated

Taylor Owen: Historical Mapping and the US Bombardment of Cambodia

Analytics for Conflict Mapping & Crisis Response: Colleen McCue, DigitalGlobe

Simulating Natural Disasters in Low-Income Regions: Ali Asjad Naqvi

The Savanna Analysis Platform: Hayden Strauss

Crisis Mapping Analytics: Helena Puig, UNDP Sudan & the Standby Task Force

Beyond Crisis Mapping:  Sanjana Hattotuwa, ICT4Peace Foundation

Map Kibera:  Mikel Maron

3d Analysis-Ushahidi & USGS Haiti EQ Data: Adeel Khamisa, GeoTime

Crisis Mapping With Depiction: Mike Geertsen

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Tip: Use the Search field above to connect! Search by interest, location, affiliation,  name, key words, or any combination (+) to find new partners. 

ICCM #11

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